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Wellbeing Week

5 – 9 June 2023

World Wellbeing Week is celebrated in June and this week we are celebrating it here at Botham Accounting.  We’re delighted to welcome Clare Bell from Core to offer all our team the opportunity to take part in a number of workshops and drop-in sessions to gain practical tips on how to support wellbeing and practice self-care.

Clare is qualified to level 5 in mental health and wellbeing awareness and has a lot of resources and knowledge to share.  As well as running the sessions, Clare will is available on two days to the team if anyone would like to talk to her or get further information on supporting wellbeing.  The workshops that Clare is running are:

  • ‘Breathing’ – A superpower for relaxation and stress management. – the mechanics of breathing and different breathing techniques to increase energy, focus, calm yourself, relax and quieten a busy mind.
  • ‘Mindfulness’- for living in the moment and relaxation –what is mindfulness what are its health benefits? Discover ways of staying in the present and being able to switch off from busyness.
  • ‘Positive Psychology’ – the benefits of happiness – how to manage your self-talk for positive outcomes.  Discover the benefits of choosing a positive mind-set.
  • ‘Conversations about wellbeing and mental awareness’ – how to hold a helpful conversation, ask for support and build trust.

Clare works with us to help develop our culture and deliver growth through our people and expertise and is currently a key part of the delivery team for our Management Academy training programme alongside 3QHub.